There are a lot of people who want to charge you a lot of money to boost your testosterone. Test is the main building block of masculinity, so it’s no wonder that men all around the world are opening their wallets in hopes of getting every advantage that they can. Testosterone has a huge impact on your day to day life, from your energy levels, your overall confidence, and most importantly your ability to put on muscle and just being manly in general.
Chances are if you were to rank any random 5 guys that you meet during the day in order of who you think has the most testosterone and who you think has the least, you’d be pretty spot on in your guesses. Frankly, it’s just something you can tell by looking at a guy. You can tell which guys have a lot of test, and which guys are lacking, just by how they carry themselves – and so can women. If you’re lacking testosterone, it’s painfully obvious to everybody that you encounter during the day.
Here’s a handful of ways that you can naturally increase your testosterone, based on science, without having to dish out any cash (Or, in some cases, with a very minimal investment.)
10. Lose some weight
If you’ve got some extra fat kicking around, get rid of it. Not only will having a lower body fat % help to up your T levels, the extra workout out and eating better that it takes to lose weight will boost your T even further. It’s a double-whammy of masculinity. Plus losing weight will also help achieve many of the same benefits of producing more test, so that’s 3 for the price of 1. Not a bad start, hey?
9. Get a decent night’s sleep
Sleep is ridiculously important for many areas of life, including keeping your T levels on point. Again, this change will help you feel more energetic, more confident, and to live a better quality of life – plus all the additional benefits of elevated testosterone. This is especially important if you’re working out. Rest is crucial for building muscle, and a good night’s sleep is huge catalyst of being well-rested.
8. Rip off your shirt and run down the street while primal screaming.
Some sites have recommended yelling into a pillow to temporarily increase your testosterone production, but that’s just beta. Instead, pop that shirt off and run down the street while beating your chest and screaming primally at the top of your lungs like a real man.
7. Awe Shucks
Find the nearly buck-a-shuck restaurant, dig in your couch cushions for all the change you can find, and then go wild. Oysters are a great source of zinc. You’re sweating out your zinc supply every time you train hard, so make sure you’re taking steps to replenish it.
6. Blood work
Before you go too crazy, get some blood work done to see exactly where your levels are to begin with. Your Doc can tell you how your testosterone levels are looking, how your zinc levels are, vitamin D, and more.
5. Get your D game on point
Vitamin D is a very important vitamin for the human body to function at full capacity, and a lot of people don’t get enough of it. Unless you’re living somewhere with a lot of sunshine and spending a lot of time outside, chances are that you’re severally lacking in the D department, hate to break it to you. The good news is that vitamin D is one of the easiest things to supplement.
4. The other D game
“Taking care of your own business” is one way to drain your T levels, so abstain from punishing your meat too often. On the other hand, getting down with a partner is a great way to increase your T levels. We’re not sure if there’s any science backing that up or not, but anyone who isn’t a virgin knows that it goes without saying.
3. Sup, man?
Supplements aren’t free, but a lot of basic and essential ones are practically free, or you can get their ingredients through slightly changes in your dietary choices. Zing, fennugreek, all that good stuff – bottom’s up.
2. Stop complaining
We all know that one guy who just whines and complains about everything, and it’s a huge red flag that the dude couldn’t even fertilize a garden. Broscience fact: Complaining and whining not only drastically lowers your testosterone, but it sends any potential mates running to the hills. Don’t complain, adapt and fix whatever’s wrong. You’ll feel good about having nothing to worry about anymore, and you’ll feel like more of a man.
1. Taking it to the next level
Once you’ve got the basics of manliness down, you can take things to the next level with a supplement. We’ve managed to hook up a free trial offer so you can give this stuff a whirl, see how well it works out for you, then go from there. Leave steps 1-9 to the peasants, you’re ready to ascend past mere mortals.
Click here to take advantage of this exclusive offer and claim your free month supply of testosterone in a bottle.
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